Les meilleurs livres TypeScript
1 livre et 1 critique, dernière mise à jour le 4 septembre 2022 , note moyenne : 5
Les meilleurs livres TypeScript
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Pro TypeScript: Application-Scale JavaScript Development
1st Edition
de Steve Fenton
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Résumé de l'éditeur
JavaScript is everywhere, both as a pure language and in popular libraries like Angular, jQuery and Knockout, but users of modern object-oriented languages like Java and C# often find JavaScript frustrating to use and hard to extend to large-scale applications. TypeScript is an innovative open source language from Microsoft that combines powerful language features and enhanced tooling support with the key attractions of JavaScript as a flexible, dynamic language that can run in any browser and on any operating system. Pro TypeScript tells you everything you need to know about this exciting new language and how to use it in your applications.
Starting with an introduction to the language and its features, the book takes you through some of the major features of TypeScript in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler. The book then covers some of the factors you need to consider when running a TypeScript application in the browser, including interacting with the DOM, making asynchronous requests, and working with useful browser APIs, followed by a demonstration of server-side TypeScript using the popular Node.js framework.
Because TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, exception handling, memory management and garbage collection can differ depending on where you run your program, so these topics get a chapter to themselves. You’ll also find out how to include popular JavaScript frameworks in your applications, so you can combine the benefits of TypeScript with some of the best JavaScript code that’s already out there waiting to be used. The final chapter gives an overview of automated testing for TypeScript applications.
Pro TypeScript offers a balanced and practical guide to a language that will transform your experience of JavaScript development.
Starting with an introduction to the language and its features, the book takes you through some of the major features of TypeScript in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler. The book then covers some of the factors you need to consider when running a TypeScript application in the browser, including interacting with the DOM, making asynchronous requests, and working with useful browser APIs, followed by a demonstration of server-side TypeScript using the popular Node.js framework.
Because TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, exception handling, memory management and garbage collection can differ depending on where you run your program, so these topics get a chapter to themselves. You’ll also find out how to include popular JavaScript frameworks in your applications, so you can combine the benefits of TypeScript with some of the best JavaScript code that’s already out there waiting to be used. The final chapter gives an overview of automated testing for TypeScript applications.
Pro TypeScript offers a balanced and practical guide to a language that will transform your experience of JavaScript development.
Édition : Apress - 248 pages, 27 août 2014
ISBN10 : 1430267917 - ISBN13 : 9781430267911
- Introduction to TypeScript
- Chapter 1. TypeScript Language Features
- Chapter 2. Working with the TypeScript Type System
- Chapter 3. Object Orientation in TypeScript
- Chapter 4. Understanding the Runtime
- Chapter 5. Running TypeScript in a Browser
- Chapter 6. Running TypeScript on a Server
- Chapter 7. Exceptions, Memory and Performance
- Chapter 8. Using JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries
- Chapter 9. Automated testing
Il existe finalement encore assez peu de livres traitant du langage TypeScript, même si celui-ci commence à se diffuser dans la communauté des développeurs Web.
Ce livre a été écrit à l'époque de la version 1.1 du langage mais reste encore valide dans la mesure où l'auteur aborde les fondamentaux du langage TypeScript à savoir le système de typage et la mise en œuvre de l'orienté objet.
L'auteur, Steve Fenton, s'adresse aux développeurs JavaScript ayant l'habitude d'être confrontés à des applications de grandes ampleurs, ce qui est le cas typique d'utilisation de TypeScript.
Tout en illustrant ses propos par du code en TypeScript, l'ouvrage revient sur des notions importantes comme l'environnement d'exécution (runtime) à la fois côté client (navigateur) que côté serveur (node.js), ou encore la gestion des événements, la problématique du rafraîchissement de l'affichage (reflow) et bien d'autres encore qui seront autant de rappels utiles pour n'importe quel professionnel rigoureux, sans sacrifier à l'aspect pratique, concret et pragmatique.
Aussi, et c'est peut-être un détail mais qui a son importance, le code proposé en exemple est de bonne qualité (nommage, indentation, casse, etc) et peut servir de modèle au développeur novice souhaitant adopter un style reconnu dans le milieu.
Au final, Pro TypeScript est un livre qui peut être considéré comme une référence dans le domaine, même si une nouvelle édition prenant en compte les nouveautés du langage serait la bienvenue.
Ce livre a été écrit à l'époque de la version 1.1 du langage mais reste encore valide dans la mesure où l'auteur aborde les fondamentaux du langage TypeScript à savoir le système de typage et la mise en œuvre de l'orienté objet.
L'auteur, Steve Fenton, s'adresse aux développeurs JavaScript ayant l'habitude d'être confrontés à des applications de grandes ampleurs, ce qui est le cas typique d'utilisation de TypeScript.
Tout en illustrant ses propos par du code en TypeScript, l'ouvrage revient sur des notions importantes comme l'environnement d'exécution (runtime) à la fois côté client (navigateur) que côté serveur (node.js), ou encore la gestion des événements, la problématique du rafraîchissement de l'affichage (reflow) et bien d'autres encore qui seront autant de rappels utiles pour n'importe quel professionnel rigoureux, sans sacrifier à l'aspect pratique, concret et pragmatique.
Aussi, et c'est peut-être un détail mais qui a son importance, le code proposé en exemple est de bonne qualité (nommage, indentation, casse, etc) et peut servir de modèle au développeur novice souhaitant adopter un style reconnu dans le milieu.
Au final, Pro TypeScript est un livre qui peut être considéré comme une référence dans le domaine, même si une nouvelle édition prenant en compte les nouveautés du langage serait la bienvenue.

JavaScript is everywhere, both as a pure language and in popular libraries like Angular, jQuery and Knockout, but users of modern object-oriented languages like Java and C# often find JavaScript frustrating to use and hard to extend to large-scale applications. TypeScript is an innovative open source language from Microsoft that combines powerful language features and enhanced tooling support with the key attractions of JavaScript as a flexible, dynamic language that can run in any browser and on any operating system. Pro TypeScript tells you everything you need to know about this exciting new language and how to use it in your applications.
Starting with an introduction to the language and its features, the book takes you through some of the major features of TypeScript in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler. The book then covers some of the factors you need to consider when running a TypeScript application in the browser, including interacting with the DOM, making asynchronous requests, and working with useful browser APIs, followed by a demonstration of server-side TypeScript using the popular Node.js framework.
Because TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, exception handling, memory management and garbage collection can differ depending on where you run your program, so these topics get a chapter to themselves. You’ll also find out how to include popular JavaScript frameworks in your applications, so you can combine the benefits of TypeScript with some of the best JavaScript code that’s already out there waiting to be used. The final chapter gives an overview of automated testing for TypeScript applications.
Pro TypeScript offers a balanced and practical guide to a language that will transform your experience of JavaScript development.
[Lire la suite]
Starting with an introduction to the language and its features, the book takes you through some of the major features of TypeScript in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler. The book then covers some of the factors you need to consider when running a TypeScript application in the browser, including interacting with the DOM, making asynchronous requests, and working with useful browser APIs, followed by a demonstration of server-side TypeScript using the popular Node.js framework.
Because TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, exception handling, memory management and garbage collection can differ depending on where you run your program, so these topics get a chapter to themselves. You’ll also find out how to include popular JavaScript frameworks in your applications, so you can combine the benefits of TypeScript with some of the best JavaScript code that’s already out there waiting to be used. The final chapter gives an overview of automated testing for TypeScript applications.
Pro TypeScript offers a balanced and practical guide to a language that will transform your experience of JavaScript development.
[Lire la suite]
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Critique ajoutée

Bonne initiative Lana.
Ce livre, même s'il commence à dater à cause de l'évolution assez rapide du langage TypeScript, est l'un des rares que je recommande à mon entourage.
Ce livre, même s'il commence à dater à cause de l'évolution assez rapide du langage TypeScript, est l'un des rares que je recommande à mon entourage.